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Monday, February 22, 2010

When to rest...

One of the things I've found as a single parent, even one in a relationship, is that there is NEVER any time "to myself." My youngest is up before I am and my oldest is going to bed as late as I am. By the time I am ready to settle down and just think about a few things, I can't! My mind becomes mush! When my head hits the pillow at night, I am out like a light. So when does it come? The time, that is....

I am dating a wonderful man. Well, dating? We can't really call it that. We do life together; as much life as time will allow. We don't live together and we opt for it to be that way. There isn't much time for "dating." And really, as a single parent, I have to make my kids my priority so I don't go out galavanting around town much, with out them. But then, what was I saying earlier about, time to myself?

I think that if I can manage getting myself alone here and there, I might find that I'm a better mom and partner afterwards. But how? Any suggestions?

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