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Friday, February 26, 2010

We made it!

It's Friday. I LOVE Fridays! I am a substitute teacher. And on Friday afternoon, just shortly before the dismissal bell rings, my body, mind & spirit begin to decompress. I know that after that bell rings, I can get in my car, go home to my children, and simply be at home. That means the world to me.

As I reflect on the week that has now passed, I wonder how I made it through. Every day held a challenge of it's own. But in the end, everything that needed to be done, was indeed done. Does that mean that everything I wanted to accomplish was so? Absolutely not! The laundry is still sitting in the basket, the carpet stains still need to be cleaned and the dog still needs a bath. But the kids are all tucked in to their warm and cozy beds, and for today, they are all healthy.

As I reflect, I am reminded of the important things; that despite the chaos and exhaustion that come with solo parenting of three children, I can recall that we had dinner around the table every night this week, we read stories on a few nights, we talked positively about the future, and most importantly, we hugged each other every day. Nothing else matters. We made it through another week!

1 comment:

  1. You're a terrific mom ...all those "little things" like dinner together and sharing time are the things your kids will always remember.
