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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Sometimes you have to be tricky

So one of the things that I've found was good for my daugher's Fibromyalgia is an herb called milk thistle. It is good for cleaning out the liver and intestinal tract - thereby cleaning out toxins. She won't take it in pill form because the pills are too large and won't go down. Recently, I found it in tea bags.

Upon brewing the new milk thistle tea, we found that it had little to no flavor. Unfortunately, my daughter won't let anything touch her lips that doesn't have a good taste - not to mention the other two as well.

My kids drink a LOT of iced tea. So, I put the milk thistle tea in with the green tea bags and brew them together. From that concoction, I make a great iced tea by adding more [filtered] water and sugar or Agave Nectar to taste.

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